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Australind Children’s Fund Inc. is an Australian-based non-Government Organisation (NGO) providing funds to world-wide community projects and programs supporting children, their families and their communities. The vision in 1978, of Australind’s South Australian-based founder, the late Max Gale OAM, was to support ‘challenged’ children in India. This followed his first of many subsequent trips to India, identifying and making connections with organisations working to improve the lives of children and families in India (hence the name ‘Austral-Ind’). Australind now raises funds throughout Australia to continue providing financial support to development agencies and registered organisations.


  • Provide assistance and on-going support to programs and organisations which benefit children and young people into adulthood. There is a focus on children with a disability and young people from disadvantaged background.

  • Support programs and organisations that promote equality for children and young people, and work to alleviate poverty. 

  • Support programs and organisations that empower and promote self-determination for communities and young people. 

  • Celebrate and foster the cultural identity of all children within their unique and diverse regions worldwide.

  • Increase public awareness of the living conditions and issues facing children worldwide.

  • Provide emergency relief in response to natural disasters.

Australind’s members’ and supporters’ actions and the organisation’s fund-raising activities, are true to its founder’s vision and to the promotion of Australind’s objectives. 

Through its small volunteer management committee, Australind identifies projects, programs and organisations for support, then plans activities to realise their fund-raising targets. 


Australind adheres to a community-based approach, both in its operation and its support of recipient projects and programs. All members and supporters are committed volunteers who personally meet any overhead costs or expenditure in the running of Australind. All monies raised go directly to the projects, programs and organisations supported. 


Australind was founded in
1979 by the late Max Gale
OAM, of Back Valley in South
Australia. As a stud Jersey
breeder, Max rose to the
challenge and gathered the
support of his local
and other dairy farmers to raise
enough money to purchase165
Jersey cows and 8 bulls to send
to rural villages around India as
part of the ‘Operation Milk Flood’ project. He then, along with one of his daughters, accompanied the animals on the long plane journey to four Indian destinations.


Max’s walks through the busy streets of Calcutta and later in Chennai, brought him face to face with the poverty and challenges faced by the children of India. He was particularly touched by the plight of children with physical and mental disabilities living on the streets of Chennai. Whilst there, he met and was inspired by the work of Sister Mary Theodore, who had just established a children's home named Mithra ( with the intention to rehabilitate children physical and mental disabilities, as well as those living on the streets of Chennai. 


Before leaving Chennai, Max committed to supporting Sister Theodore and Mithra. Upon his return to Australia, he set to realizing his vision and in 1979 the charitable organization Australind Children's Fund Inc. was formed.


Max's drive and passion for impacting upon the inequality and injustices of the world, particularly in India, stemmed from his Christian faith. He not only spent countless volunteer hours managing Australind, he also accepted large numbers of public speaking invitations to promote Australind’s projects. However, Australind is a secular organisation, celebrating the cultures and religious diversity of the children and communities it supports.  


Upon Max’s sad and premature passing in 1997, Max’s son Dr. Peter Gale took over as Australind’s President. Peter manages the organization and travels regularly to India to build connections and visit projects. Max’s wife Aileen Gale, has been a committed member of the Board of Management member since Max’s death, faithfully sending out donation receipts and Australind newsletters. Max’s daughters and grandchildren have volunteered in India at various times over a thirty-year period, as have many other Australind supporters. The consistent and passionate work of a small but dedicated group of supporters across Australia has enabled Australind to distribute in excess of $1,000,000 to enhance and benefit the lives and futures of children and young people since 1979. The careful selection of organisations, projects and programs, along with the ‘no overheads’ policy, means that all of this money has directly benefited those concerned. 


For more history information, see:


08 8554 5312 President, Peter Gale
727 Tugwell Road, Back Valley, SA, 5211

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CHARITY ABN: 788 064 849 96


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